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Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial

Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial

Memoria anual 2020  

Grupos de investigación 

Aprendiendo de los datos y la experiencia

Interacciones en los sistemas sociotécnicos

Representación y razonamiento, optimización e inteligencia de enjambre

Una muestra de nuestros proyectos 

IA para la inclusión y la diversidad
Play & Sing
Tocar instrumentos y cantar para la recuperación del cerebro
Optimización de la cadena de suministro europea

Convocatorias abiertas 

Áreas de impacto

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 

Participación pública 

Participación académica 

Estudiar en el IIIA 

D. Ramchurn
D. Ramchurn

I had some of the best times of my research career at the IIIA. Spending hours with Carles, Juan, Andrea, and Lluis on models and algorithms was great fun. I really learnt to be a team player and to broaden my views. Cooking an Emu biriani for the team was probably the climax of my time there!

I had some of the best times of my research career at the IIIA. Spending hours with Carles, Juan, Andrea, and Lluis on models and algorithms was great fun. I really learnt to be a team player and to broaden my views. Cooking an Emu biriani for the team was probably the climax of my time there!


My years at IIIA-CSIC were deeply rewarding and formative. I was very lucky to work in high quality research with excellent professionals and absolutely wonderful people. It was an honor and a joy!

My years at IIIA-CSIC were deeply rewarding and formative. I was very lucky to work in high quality research with excellent professionals and absolutely wonderful people. It was an honor and a joy!


My PhD at IIIA was foundational for me because I studied with people who are the international leaders in AI and formal methods.  Beyond this, I found IIIA inspiring as a model of team building for research.

My PhD at IIIA was foundational for me because I studied with people who are the international leaders in AI and formal methods.  Beyond this, I found IIIA inspiring as a model of team building for research.







Red de grupos de investigación del CSIC dedicados a la investigación básica en Inteligencia Artificial.


Alianza de la Generalitat de Catalunya que agrupa a grupos de investigación en Inteligencia Artificial.


TECNIO es la acreditación que otorga la Generalidad de Cataluña a través de ACCIÓ para identificar y dar visibilidad a los desarrolladores de tecnología del sistema I+D+i de Cataluña que presenten capacidades tecnológicas diferenciales y con capacidad de transferirlas para fortalecer el tejido empresarial y hacer internacionalmente atractivo el ecosistema catalán de innovación.