This work has been partially supported by the Spanish CICYT project SMASH, TIC96-1038-C04001, J. A. Rodríguez-Aguilar and F. J. Martín enjoy the CIRIT doctoral scholarships FI-PG/96-8.490 and FI-DT/96-8.472 respectively. It is also available as an IIIIA research report (IIIA-RR98-32) that must be cited when referring to any results obtained with the aid of FM.
Section gif discusses the current restrictions of this capability.
A collision occurs when the auctioneer receives more than one bid at the same price.
Caution: You must have previoulsy installed GnuPlot.
This is done manually by the tournament designer by pressing the Close Market button in the upper right corner of the Tournament Pannel window.
This file is situated in the data directory within the FM installation directory. This is the default file showed when choosing the One Auction (data set) tournament mode.
Exe stands for executable. In practice C and Exe agents are handled in the same way by FM.
This documentation can be accessed through a browser by opening the packages.html file.
The FM Lisp template is Clisp-compliant, and furthermore FM explicitly calls Clisp when automatically starting Lisp agents.
We consider that other users -apart from the tournament designer- are to run their agents in their accounts, in their machines, with their resources.
Actually the subsequent versions of FM will incorporate a more sophisticated trace mode- currently being tested- that sorts out the inherent drawbacks of logical time-based tracing methods.
Jump up to the previous section for a complete account of these events.
xxx stands for a given auction number.
Gnuplot is a command-driven interactive function plotting program that can be downloaded from the GNU web page (see gif for more details)
The interested reader should refer to [3] for a thorough account of the architecture of FM.

Juan Antonio Rodriguez
Fri Oct 16 15:39:57 MET DST 1998