
  1. BulletCBR Introduction [PPS format]

  2. BulletCooperation and learning in intelligent multiagent systems [PPS format]

  3. BulletContext-aware personal information agents [PPS format]

  4. BulletTowards Multi-Agent Learning [PPS format]

  5. BulletAlba: A cognitive assistant for alert triage in computer networks [PDF]

  6. BulletArguments and Counterexamples in Case-based Joint Deliberation [PDF]

  7. BulletCase-based Learning from Proactive Communication [PDF]

  8. BulletArgumentation-based Information Exchange in Prediction Markets [PDF]

  9. BulletLearning and Joint Deliberation through Argumentation in MAS [PDF]

  10. BulletSemantics and Experience  in the Future Web [PDF] [Quicktime]

  11. BulletArgumentation-based Distributed Induction [PDF]

  12. BulletEnric Plaza, Agnar Aamodt (2017), CBR and the upswing of AI. ICCBR-2017 Keynote talk, ICCBR-2017 ([Extended Abstract and Slides])