Imbuing values in the coordination of hybrid social networks
Imbuing values in the coordination of hybrid social networks

A Project coordinated by IIIA.

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Retos Investigación: Proyectos I+D+i 2017
Retos Investigación: Proyectos I+D+i 2017

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There is a growing concern about the social impact and dangers of intelligent and autonomous systems in our hyper-connected society. It has been argued that one sensible approach to address this concern is to find ways to align the technology with the ethical and social values held by the communities and individuals that use those systems. In spite of being recognised as a central research goal for the future of AI, this Value Alignment Problem (VAP) is still little understood and poorly explored. We propose to address the VAP in the context of hybrid social networks —those that serve to coordinate a collective activity that involves humans and artificial entities— because autonomy plays a significant role in them, and because of their substantial economic and social impact. Our approach is based in the Value-Sensitive Design (VSD) initiative that strives to include an analysis of human values (privacy, fairness, solidarity...) as part of the design process of a system. In addition to rising awareness of the problem, VSD has formulated some heuristics for elicitation of those values and has motivated some directives for specific values like privacy and security. However, there is no formal backing and little technological developments beyond the challenge VSD identifies. We intend to go step further and make those intentions operative and imbue values in a system. We propose to link values with the norms that regulate interactions in the systems that support social networks.

There is a growing concern about the social impact and dangers of intelligent and autonomous systems in our hyper-connected society. It has been argued that one sensible approach to address this concern is to find ways to align the technology with the ethical and social values held by the communities and individuals that use those systems. In spite of being recognised as a central research goal for the future of AI, this Value Alignment Problem (VAP) is still little understood and poorly explored. We propose to address the VAP in the context of hybrid social networks —those that serve to coordinate a collective activity that involves humans and artificial entities— because autonomy plays a significant role in them, and because of their substantial economic and social impact. Our approach is based in the Value-Sensitive Design (VSD) initiative that strives to include an analysis of human values (privacy, fairness, solidarity...) as part of the design process of a system. In addition to rising awareness of the problem, VSD has formulated some heuristics for elicitation of those values and has motivated some directives for specific values like privacy and security. However, there is no formal backing and little technological developments beyond the challenge VSD identifies. We intend to go step further and make those intentions operative and imbue values in a system. We propose to link values with the norms that regulate interactions in the systems that support social networks.

Nieves Montes,  & Carles Sierra (2022). Synthesis and Properties of Optimally Value-Aligned Normative Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 74, 1739--1774. [BibTeX]
Pablo Noriega,  Harko Verhagen,  Julian Padget,  & Mark d'Inverno (2021). Ethical Online AI Systems Through Conscientious Design. IEEE Internet Computing, 25, 58-64. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Antoni Perello-Moragues,  Manel Poch,  David Sauri,  Lucia Alexandra Popartan,  & Pablo Noriega (2021). Modelling Domestic Water Use in Metropolitan Areas Using Socio-Cognitive Agents. Water, 13. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Antoni Perello-Moragues,  Pablo Noriega,  Lucia Alexandra Popartan,  & Manel Poch (2020). Modelling Policy Shift Advocacy. Mario Paolucci, Jaime Simão Sichman, & Harko Verhagen (Eds.), Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XX (pp. 55--68). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Nardine Osman,  Carles Sierra,  Ronald Chenu-Abente,  Qiang Shen,  & Fausto Giunchiglia (2020). Open Social Systems. Nick Bassiliades, Georgios Chalkiadakis, & Dave Jonge (Eds.), Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies (pp. 132--142). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Marta Poblet,  & Carles Sierra (2020). Understanding Help as a Commons. International Journal of the Commons, 14, 281--493. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Antoni Perello-Moragues,  & Pablo Noriega (2020). Using Agent-Based Simulation to Understand the Role of Values in Policy-Making. Harko Verhagen, Melania Borit, Giangiacomo Bravo, & Nanda Wijermans (Eds.), Advances in Social Simulation (pp. 355--369). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Antoni Perello-Moragues,  & Pablo Noriega (2019). {A Playground for the Value Alignment Problem}. Lourdes Martínez-Villaseñor, Ildar Batyrshin, Antonio Marín-Hernandez, & Hiram Ponce (Eds.), {Advances in Soft Computing. MICAI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11835} (pp. 414--429). Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Juan Carlos Teze,  Antoni Perelló-Moragues,  Lluís Godo,  & Pablo Noriega (2019). Practical reasoning using values: an argumentative approach based on a hierarchy of values. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 293-319. [BibTeX]  [PDF]
Pilar Dellunde
Adjunct Scientist
Pere García Calvés
Tenured Scientist
Pablo Noriega
Científico Ad Honorem
Nardine Osman
Tenured Scientist
Phone Ext. 431826

Josep Puyol-Gruart
Tenured Scientist
Jordi Sabater-Mir
Tenured Scientist
Phone Ext. 431856

Carles Sierra
Research Professor
Phone Ext. 431801