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Free constructions for product hoops
Free constructions for product hoops



Valeria Giustarini
Valeria Giustarini


University of Siena
University of Siena

Language :


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Attending seminar
Attending seminar



Product logic is, together with Łukasiewicz logic and Gödel logic, one of the fundamental logics in Hájek’s framework of fuzzy logics arising from a continuos t-norm. In algebraic terms, this means that product algebras are one of the most relevant subvarieties of BL-algebras. From the algebraic perspective, representations of product algebras have mostly highlighted their connection with cancellative hoops; however, not much is known about the relation between product algebras and the variety of residuated lattices that constitutes their 0-free subreducts: product hoops. This contribution focuses on two main results: 1) we prove that product hoops coincide with the class of maximal filters of product algebras, seen as residuated lattices; 2) we show a construction that given any product hoop H obtains a product algebra freely generated by H; in terms of the corresponding algebraic categories, we exhibit the free functor, i.e. the left adjoint to the forgetful functor from product algebras to product hoops. 


Product logic is, together with Łukasiewicz logic and Gödel logic, one of the fundamental logics in Hájek’s framework of fuzzy logics arising from a continuos t-norm. In algebraic terms, this means that product algebras are one of the most relevant subvarieties of BL-algebras. From the algebraic perspective, representations of product algebras have mostly highlighted their connection with cancellative hoops; however, not much is known about the relation between product algebras and the variety of residuated lattices that constitutes their 0-free subreducts: product hoops. This contribution focuses on two main results: 1) we prove that product hoops coincide with the class of maximal filters of product algebras, seen as residuated lattices; 2) we show a construction that given any product hoop H obtains a product algebra freely generated by H; in terms of the corresponding algebraic categories, we exhibit the free functor, i.e. the left adjoint to the forgetful functor from product algebras to product hoops.