The expression 61#61 is the recurrent application of T as 62#62.
Actually the set of truth-values 21#21 and the connective T can be defined locally to each agent. In this case we would need to define a mapping between the different logics of the agents that can communicate (see [1] for further details on this topic).
207#207 is a function that given a set of sentences in the language of 208#208 translates each sentence to the language of 209#209. It usually obliges to change the agent names preceeding propositions (for instance 210#210). It also changes the truth-values of the sentences to adapt to the logic of 209#209. The detailed explanation of this function is out of the scope of this paper.

Josep Puyol-Gruart
Wed Jun 11 15:38:47 MET DST 1997